Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Olympics are over but here is my farewell salute to some of the hot athletes that captivated my attention for the last week of competition.

Trey Hardee and Ashton Eaton

The world's sweetheart, Oscar Pistorius


Hamilton Sabot

And of course, a salute to tight fitting uniforms in general!
(Henrik Rummel for you bulge fetishers)


  1. Disappointed that trey hardee only got silver, was waiting for the upset.

  2. No pictures of Tom Daley showering in his skimpy speedo with his head back and his 8 pack arching forward???

  3. haha nope tom daley not my type i dunno what all the hype surrounding him was about. i'd take a man from the water polo team over him any day.

    speaking of divers though, troy dumais has an amazingly robust package..

  4. I still can't get over Jake Dalton's eyes.

  5. That rower was just saluting the flag! :-)
