Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Olympics are over but here is my farewell salute to some of the hot athletes that captivated my attention for the last week of competition.

Trey Hardee and Ashton Eaton

The world's sweetheart, Oscar Pistorius


Hamilton Sabot

And of course, a salute to tight fitting uniforms in general!
(Henrik Rummel for you bulge fetishers)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

A salute to some of my Olympic favorites...


Jake Dalton (age 20)

In action with some other US gymnasts

On the rings. Those arms...fuck.


Nathan Adrian (age 23)

Nick Thoman (age 26)

James Magnussen (age 21)

These last two athletes..clean-shaven or scruffy can't decide what I like better!

And to close, a Bill Simmons article on which is the superior sport, gymnastics or swimming. I know I seem to be favoring swimmers with the above guys, but I would be just as happy with many of those gymnasts.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Olympics Or Gay Porn?

haha..this is the olympics i've probably spent the most time lusting after the athletes. i'm gonna be sad when swimming and gymnastics is over.