Sunday, May 8, 2011

Hello all!!
Well I'm still on vacation but just wanted to update to say hey. Thank goodness for free wifi lol. I'm currently taking a break from the madness that is this trip to catch up on things. Just managed to clean out my inbox...whew!

I've been traveling for about two weeks now but it definitely feels like forever! And even though I'm traveling with pretty much my best med school friends, I don't think even we like each other enough not to have a little friction right now lol. Anyway, I love traveling and I'm having a blast, but just feeling a little homesick right now...and gotta remember to call my mom sometime today! It's pretty tough to read blogger on my phone so I got a lotta of your blogging to catch up on too when I get back. Until then, USA USA USA USA!! (One of the many things I've missed out on!)

1 comment:

  1. Just came across your blog and I dig it alot. Keep it up man I enjoy reading your posts. Take it easy
