In my endless channel surfing recently (I've been watching a lot of TV lately lol) I caught some of the current Real World, set in Las Vegas this season. It was the typical sloppy drama-filled early 20s bullshit (which I do enjoy...back in college the only two channels we watched in my apartment were ESPN and MTV), and I guess one roommate was leaving for some reason. So as the rest of the roommates were wondering who would be their new replacement roommate, they got in a conversation about having a gay person as a roommate. Then the two alpha males of the house went on a bit of a homophobic rant, talking about how they'd feel uncomfortable around a gay dude, wouldn't want to go out to a gay club but not want to be perceived as being intolerant, not wanna have their shirt off around him, etc etc. Even the girls chimed in about not believing that bisexual people can exist.
I haven't had a chance to write about why I haven't been so keen to let the world at large know I suck cock, but attitudes like that are just part of the reason. I kind of just rolled my eyes at the whole conversation, especially since one of the guys with this homophobia was the former fratpad guy. Not sure if at this point of the season he's revealed his former career, but come on what a load of bullshit. It's just amazing to me that these misperceptions are so pervasive. Even guys in my circle of friends have said similar things. It has always been a weird concept to me that certain straight men are so paranoid around gay men, thinking that at any moment they will be assaulted with a blowjob, when I doubt they are so attractive that women instantly flock to them at a bar. In fact, among my friends who have voiced this paranoia, I am quite certain how woefully lacking their own sex life is.
I guess what really bothers me is that there has to be that distinction of sexuality at all. I would say 95% of the men I've been with are just typical guys, and then maybe a handful might have been the more stereotypical "flamboyant" types. Regardless, there seems to be this idea that gay men don't understand normal social boundaries and only view straight men as sexual prey or something. I don't know if it just happens to be an American thing, but I hate how hung up people get on sexuality and how it becomes such a defining characteristic.
And yes, I understand that the whole issue with gay rights and social acceptance is that the regular joe men who could represent how very normal gay men are, are the ones who refuse to come out of the closet, thus allowing these misperceptions and stereotypes to persist blah blah blah. If only it were that easy.
Speaking of which, in my blog cruising I came across this post a few weeks ago. LINK Interesting background and story, definitely some food for thought. Maybe it is that easy...
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