Tuesday, February 1, 2011


ok, my brain is ready for take off. i'm about ready to check out until graduation. not that i don't want to learn anymore and improve my medical knowledge, but there are a lot of movies i haven't seen and many tv shows i have to catch up on. it's kinda crazy that i have just 3 more months of formal schooling left before i am set loose on the world. anyway, i'm not the best at playing hooky as my baseline sense of guilt is too high usually, but i know many tactics from my friends that i will be trying out this month to get out of work early.....

i guess i shouldn't be writing about how much work us medical students try to get out of. kinda makes you lose faith in the medical profession right? i actually would love to know what the perception of doctors is nowadays. sure there's a certain amount of respect for the field still, but i think with all the malpractice anecdotes, long waits, healthcare reform/insurance issues, and plastic surgeon glamor docs on tv etc etc etc, a certain amount of distrust has been bred among the public. which i'm all for, as you as the patient shouldn't wholly place blind trust in your docs, but there is a fine line of patient autonomy, where i think many docs are getting tired of patients thinking they know best, when we're the ones who have worked our butts off to get this far and be shown no respect by patients and their families. it's just a very very fine line of mutual respect nowadays i guess. anyway as far as i know, all my non-medical friends are excited and proud that i'm graduating soon, so there's still hope that not everyone, myself included, is all jaded about medicine!

alright that tangent aside, i was very depressed to see that the blog i plugged the other day, (ajokelife.tumblr.com) got taken down by the author. that guy was so freaking funny and the blog just disappeared. i can only imagine something negative happened to him and that's why he took it down. maybe he got cyberstalked or something. hopefully not, and i pray for his return one day...

speaking of which, another blog i followed for awhile closed too, and again, no clue what happened to it. (fratclosetcase.blogspot.com) it was a closet frat guy's blog..the guy actually was a little semi-detailed about his closet stuff, at least enough that someone at his school maybe could peace things together and blow his cover or something. the internet is so fucking crazy nowadays with things going viral and things like that. anyway, if anyone knows what happened to these blogs i'd love to know.

that's it for now, just felt like expounding some random thoughts before i head to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Hey dude, you should email me sometime. I think we have a lot in common and would be cool to chat. med.houston@yahoo.com. Later!
